Booking the Intro Call
How wonderful that you're interested in working with me!
To serve you as best as possible, I'd love to get to know you a bit better!
So, please take a moment to answer a few questions.
Can't wait to meet you!
Note; If you're booking a session as a couple, please answer the questions for both of you.
Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.
- Mary Oliver -
Booking a Session
Are you booking for the first time?
Yes? I am thrilled to be working with you!
We will have a free intro call first, to discuss your intention(s), your starting point and your preferred outcome for a session. And you can get to know me a bit more!
Please book the Intro Call first at the top of the page.
Have you worked with me before?
Welcome back, I am honored to be working with you again!
Please, fill out the form below.