Inner Alchemy
Offerings for Individuals
In all Inner Alchemy sessions, I use my sharp intuition to fully tune in to you and provide exactly what is needed in the moment. I draw upon my extensive toolbox of training and experiences for this purpose.
Inner Alchemy is a process that begins when you dare to look openly at yourself. It is a process that can lead to a significant change. In these sessions, you will learn, among other things, to understand the language of your body, increase your inner strength and let your authenticity shine.
Feel free to contact me if you cannot choose from the offers below!
I am happy to assist in deciding the most suitable appointment for you.

Body de-armouring
The term de-armouring was used in the 1930s by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich to refer to "disarming the body." In a de-armouring session, various trigger points on the body are touched to melt the existing armor. The armor can consist of (developmental) trauma stored in the body, as well as unfinished actions or words, energy that does not flow, emotions, and/or tensions that are stuck in the body.
A de-armouring session works like an alchemical journey in your body. When the nervous system is supported in letting go of the armor, this can have a profound impact on every aspect of your life. Resolving the armor allows life energy to flow more freely, so you feel more complete and free. It creates a connection with the deeper layers of yourself, your authenticity, and your wholeness.
This session is a co-creation, not a passive treatment. It requires a willingness to remain present in the body, with and express the emerging emotions. Experiencing emotions with someone who holds space for it provides deep and lasting healing down to the cellular level.
Examples of situations where you might use de-armouring:
You want to let go of (traumatic) memories, beliefs, and emotions.
You want to explore the "weak" point in your body (aka where it always hurts).
You have done cognitive therapy but haven't done bodywork around a theme.
Certain parts of your body are numb or hypersensitive.
You have undergone surgery (including cesarean section).
You get easily triggered, transported to the past by an event in the present.
You feel a blockage in your body.
I use the Gaia-soft touch method*. This allows the body and nervous system to feel safe and open so that the armor can be revealed. The body's boundaries and speed are fully respected. It involves energetic touch, along with sound and breathing techniques.
A de-armouring session cannot be used if you:
Are not familiar with self-reflection and awareness.
Are pregnant.
Have medical reasons such as rheumatism, cancer, infections, psychoses, etc.
Feel free to contact me if you have doubts or want to schedule an intro call. You can also consult with me regarding medical or psychological conditions to determine if de-armouring is suitable for you.
A session lasts 2 to 2,5 hours. €180 in total.
For additional practical information and my approach, I refer you to the guidelines for de-armouring.
* More information about The Gaia Method can be found on this website.

Tantra Massage
A tantra massage is an energetic massage that connects you with your sexual life energy. By spreading this energy throughout your entire body, you can experience a great deal of pleasure and new physical sensations. Old experiences, memories, or (energy) blockages may surface to be acknowledged and healed. I will invite you to feel whatever arises at that moment and guide you through it with breath, sound, and movement.
A tantra massage works as an alchemical journey within your body. A session can initiate deep transformation. By spreading the sexual life energy from the first chakra throughout the body and allowing it to rise to the heart and crown chakras, a meditative/blissful state can be achieved. This powerful energy flow is also called Kundalini energy.
A tantra massage is for you if you:
want to let your life energy flow freely
can allow all emotions in a safe container
want to explore and release possible blockages
seek a deep connection with your sexual life energy
want to experience bliss, pleasure, and ecstasy
wish to (re)connect with your divine spark.
A tantra massage is not for you if you:
are looking for an erotic experience
are pregnant
have medical reasons such as rheumatism, cancer, infections, psychoses, etc.
It is possible to keep clothing on. Disrobing is by invitation, and you decide which clothing items you want to keep on. It is not necessary for intimate areas to be touched! This choice is yours, and your boundaries will be fully respected.
For further practical information and my approach, please refer to the guidelines for tantra massage.
A session lasts a minimum of 2.5 hours and can be extended to a maximum of 3.5 hours.
€100 per hour.

Dive into the pelvis
Discover what lives in your pelvic area. What blockages are hindering you from fully living your potential and letting your life and sexual energy flow freely?
Your pelvis is the "rootplace of survival," your foundation and the location of the first chakra. It is one of the places where stress and trauma quickly manifest and are held. A deep connection with your pelvis provides inner peace, empowerment, pleasure, creativity, and grounding.
In this session, I primarily use soft-touch de-armouring to make the blockages visible and free them from the tissue. Blockages can arise from various causes, such as stress/tension, developmental trauma, (unpleasant) sexual experiences, suppressed emotions, not expressing desires and boundaries, insecurity, or limiting thoughts and patterns.
Freeing these blockages can have various results:
Reducing and/or eliminating pain, including menstrual cramps
More pleasure (with intimacy and sex)
Numbness in the yoni or lingam disappears
Increased connection with your pelvis and creativity
Healthy, sensitive, relaxed genitalia
Shame-free conversation about sexuality, your desires, and boundaries
More juiciness, aliveness, and orgasmic sensations
Strong grounding and inner strength
Connection with your inner wisdom and less in your head
During the session, Reiki, yoni mapping, energy release exercises, knowledge of your anatomy, breathwork, and/or voice liberation can be used.
How do you know if this session is for you?
You feel nothing or little in your pelvic area and/or genitals
You experience pain in your pelvic area and/or genitals
You want a better experience of sexuality
You have had a childbirth or cesarean section, causing everything to feel "different"
You experience problems with your erection or premature ejaculation
You need a lot of stimulation to feel any sensation
You feel insecure or experience anxiety during or after sex
You have had surgery to change your genitals
You have a clear intention and are open to meeting everything within yourself
This session is not for you if you are:
Looking for an erotic experience
Have medical reasons such as; rheumatism, cancer, inflammation, psychoses, etc.
Feel free to contact me if you have doubts or if you want to schedule an intro call.
A session lasts 2 to 2.5 hours.
€180 in total.
For other practical information and my approach, please refer to the de-armouring guidelines.

Empowerment, Boundaries & Desires
You say Yes, but you actually feel a No.
You often go along with the other person's proposal, but do you really want this?
Your own Yes, No, or Maybe are not clearly felt.
Or you realize later what you really wanted, and you feel stuck in the commitment you made.
Maybe you believe that choosing for yourself is selfish. So you don't speak up.
"Saying No to another is saying Yes to yourself."
A beautiful quote, but it doesn't apply to you...right? Are you allowed to choose 100% for yourself? If you want to learn this, this session is for you. Through body-oriented exercises, you get in touch with your true Yes, No, and Maybe. You learn to trust these signals and get tools to communicate this with confidence. You learn to receive what you ask for and clearly set your boundaries.
We work with the energy of the third chakra (Manipura), power and powerlessness. From here, our ability to be confident and assertive is determined. To make decisions from inner wisdom. It is also the key to unlocking our personal power and building a strong sense of self.
During our session, we will:
discuss your learning goals and the blockages you encounter;
explore the beliefs that hinder you from choosing for yourself;
address emotions like shame and guilt that may arise when you assert your true desires;
use exercises from the Wheel of Consent, Polyvagal Theory, holistic bodywork, de-armouring, systemic work, and more to regulate your nervous system and build your confidence.
A session lasts 2 to 2,5 hours.
€180 in total.
For other practical information and my approach, I refer you to the de-armouring guidelines.

Five Elements Massage
Make a unique journey through the five elements in your body. Experience how they manifest within you. The tantric five elements massage balances the energies of earth, water, fire, air, and ether in the physical and energetic body. Often, we have an affinity with two or three of these elements but less with the others, leading to an imbalance.
Earth; grounding, stability, structure, Muladhara base chakra.
- Too much earth gives a feeling of being stuck and blocked. No or excessive sex drive.
Water; emotions, flow, creativity, Svadhisthana second chakra.
- Too much water leads to emotional suppression or overwhelming emotions.
Fire; desires, passionate, provides alchemy for transformation, Manipura third chakra.
- Too much fire gives a sense of suppressed power/leadership, anger, or selfishness.
Air; light, subtle, expanding, breathing, Anahata heart chakra.
- Too much air gives a feeling of being pushed around, chaos, a heavy heart, or breathlessness.
Ether; the etheric realm, beyond this tangible world, timelessness, pure creation, and spontaneity, Vishuddha throat chakra, Ajna third eye, and Sahasrara crown chakra.
- Too much ether gives a feeling of time pressure or no sense of time, being in a straitjacket, no room to follow impulses.
Working with these five elements is an essential part of tantra. By activating the different energies in the body, a channel for energy flow is created in the body. From dense matter (earth) to divine consciousness (ether). The powerful energy flow can create a meditative state of bliss.
A tantric five elements massage brings healing, purifying your energy, and thus sexuality, emotions, and overall well-being.
A session lasts a minimum of 2.5 hours and can be extended to a maximum of 3.5 hours.
€100 per hour.
For additional practical information and my approach, I refer you to the guidelines for tantra massage.

Healing Ropes Bodywork
Feeling completely supported and embraced by the sensation of ropes around your body. Being swaddled in a net of ropes is like being held by maternal energy and unconditional love. Within this energy, healing and personal growth can occur.
Healing ropes is a combination of energy work, de-armouring, and ropes. Where the ropes add the extra dimension of surrender. In surrender lies the trust that you are held, by life, by love, by someone.
You are invited to deeply feel into your body, your emotions and allow the energy flow freely. We also work on your empowerment to express your boundaries, your physical Yes and No. The pace of your body guides the session!
Over time, your brain waves may slow down to Theta, a meditative state where you can connect with your higher consciousness.
I don't focus on a specific technique (like Shibari or Kinbaku), but on intuitive binding, unconditional love, joy, playfulness, depth, and heart expansion. Using soft-touch de-armouring techniques, I also address any energy blockages as they arise.
This session is for you if you want to work on:
letting go of excessive control;
shame or self-judgment;
experiences of power/powerlessness;
trust and empowerment.
If you have ever had a traumatic experience with crossing boundary behavior, we will discuss this extensively in the intro call to determine if this is the right step for you.
In the intro call prior to the session, you can express what you want, your intention, your boundaries and desires. This can range from healing, sensuality to the meditative bliss state.
I offer a cozy, safe setting where I will always respect your boundaries. Explicit sexual acts are not performed, and undergarments remains on.
A session lasts a minimum of 2,5 hours and can be extended to a maximum of 3,5 hours.
€120 per hour.
For additional practical information and my approach, please refer to the guidelines for tantra massage.

Psoas Massage & Energy Release Technique
By combining a Psoas massage with a specific energy release technique, deep (muscular) tension and trauma are released on various levels. This can be physical, emotional, mental, and energetic.
As the messenger between body and mind, the Psoas muscle is the connection between the upper body and the legs. This muscle reacts first when danger is perceived to initiate movements for flight or fight response. This perception of danger can be conscious or unconscious. When there's no space to execute these movements, they get locked into this muscle. Traumatic experiences can also get locked into it.
This can result in symptoms such as:
unexplained abdominal pain;
persistent lower back pain;
pain in the groin or hips;
blocked breathing;
and/or a disturbed posture.
But other symptom patterns can also arise with a tense Psoas. Such as being unable to get out of your head, experiencing constant tension (anxiety), or struggling to let go of (emotional) traumatic events. The Psoas muscle is also connected to the nervous system and thus affects organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Relaxing the Psoas brings balance to the whole body.
The energy release technique specifically targets relaxing the Psoas and is a powerful addition to the massage. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or trembling that releases muscle tension and calms the nervous system.
This natural reflex mechanism is also seen in animals. For example, a dog shakes itself after a fight. An antelope shakes itself after escaping from a lion and starts eating again. We humans usually suppress this urge to shake, causing tension to remain in the body and leading to various persistent symptoms.
The energy release technique checks where there is tension in the tissue. It supports the body's ability to open and release blocked energy pathways, allowing for free flow.
A session can be booked for 1 hour or 1,5 hours.
€ 90 per hour.
For additional practical information and my approach, please refer to the de-armouring guidelines.
*The Psoas muscle lies deep within the body. It starts at the spine, runs through the pelvis over the hip joint, and attaches to the inner thigh.

Inner Alchemy Transformation Journey
A transformation journey is a powerful way to deeply work over three months on the obstacles you encounter in your life.
I would love to guide you towards deeper self-awareness and more fulfilling relationships through a combination of embodiment and intimacy coaching. The key to personal growth and intimate connections lies in the connection of body and mind. My holistic approach helps you connect with your body, your emotions, and your deepest desires.
What is embodiment?
Embodiment is about being fully aware of your body and the signals it gives you. Using various techniques such as mindfulness, bodywork, and body-oriented exercises, you learn to be more present in the moment and listen to your inner wisdom.
It helps you to:
develop a deep connection with yourself;
release stress and tension;
better understand and regulate your emotions;
find more self-confidence and inner peace;
appreciate your body as a source of wisdom and strength.
What is intimacy coaching?
Intimacy coaching focuses on improving your intimate and emotional relationships, whether you are single or in a relationship. This coaching helps you overcome blocks and barriers that stand in the way of a fulfilling intimate life.
This is for you if you want to:
improve your communication and emotional connection;
enhance your sexuality and pleasure;
set and communicate your boundaries and desires;
increase your self-love and self-acceptance.
Combining the principles of embodiment with the techniques of intimacy coaching can help you create a deeper connection with yourself and others.
This leads to:
Improved self-awareness: better understand your own needs and desires.
Authentic communication: be clearer and more honest in your relationships.
Stronger emotional and physical connections: feel more present and attuned.
Trauma healing: integrate physical and emotional blocks.
More self-love: develop a healthy relationship with yourself as the foundation for relationships with others.
During an intro call, we discuss your learning goals and intentions so that the program is fully tailored to you. Together, we determine when you can start this transformative journey and your commitment to yourself.
What's included:
3 individual face-to-face bodywork sessions of 2.5 hours each (total 7.5 hours)
Customized home play exercises to integrate into daily life.
Weekly app contact about your progress.
€ 998 if paid in one installment
€ 359 if paid in 3 installments
Download the Session Guidelines for De-armouring and Tantra Massage